Page 2 develop AR app for RaboDirect!


We at Page 2 were thrilled when RaboDirect (Rabobank) chose us to develop their first mainstream Augmented Reality app here in Australia. Rabo have a history of thinking outside the box, and the fact that they are a food and agri bank with a powerful and far reaching message when it comes to food supply, wastage and sustainability meant we actually felt good doing the job.

Working closely with Rabo, Page 2 developed the script and storyboard, and then progressed onto 3D modelling and animation. The result was a fun, engaging and interactive story that plays out on the table right in front of you using a bank note (AU, NZ, Euro) or campaign flyer for tracking.

The AR project itself was developed in Unity and output for both Apple and Android. Additionally, Page 2 developed an advanced version for Apple’s iOS 11 (AR Kit) featuring dynamic lighting and astounding AR tracking capabilities.

Download Feel Good AR from the Apple App Store or Google Play, and check it out for yourself!

Feel Good AR share image.png

An Exciting History

Page 2 has been lucky enough across the years to share in some great Rabo adventures and projects. A few examples follow: